GRC 5.3 SNC - Provision with upper case userid which cause SNC to fail
- GRC 5.3 is able to provision SNC settings to SU01 but USERID appears in upper case format as below:
- SNC is case sensitive, thus it will failed when user tried to login.
- Because GRC 5.3 convert user id to UPPERCASE as below:
- This can be resolved in two step.
- Step 1: Configuration > Request Form Customization > SNC Name >
Default value > p:#!#userId#!#@DOMAIN.COM - Step 2: Configuration > Field Mapping > LDAP Mapping > Additional Fields > Add SAP_User_ID and then map it to the correct LDAP fields. In our case, its "mailNickname" because it is in lowercase.
- GRC will then replace userId with the LDAP field "mainNickname" which is in lowercase
- Once provision, SNC field in SU01 will be in this format p:zmolan@DOMAIN.COM